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BST November 9th, 2004 06:43 PM

I like the idea that some of the artistic talent, that we've been blessed with here, might have an opportunity to be showcased to a wider audience, if this idea ever took root and grew!

Gimli (puffing on a pipe): "Certainty of death, small chance for success......what are we waitin' for!!"

O :D O

warhammerdriver November 9th, 2004 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by martok2112
Or better yet, characters done in the beautiful style that our own Thomas7g did for Athena. :D

I second that motion. All in favor?

BRG November 10th, 2004 07:40 AM

A brilliant idea! :thumbsup:

If done well, an animated show would be an excellent way of continuing the original series from where it left off. And if you could get some of the orininal cast, plus suitable replacements for the sadly departed Greene & Colicos, I reckon it would be a sure fire winner!

I personally would prefer 2D, with some 3D models that fit into the show seamlessly.(I think I'm repeating Mustex ;) ) They use this in Futurama and it looks cool!
And as a serious animated show, I say look at Batman. The animated Batman series was easily better than the films. The best Batman outside the comic books IMO!

gmd3d November 10th, 2004 08:59 AM

warhammerdriver wrote:

I second that motion. All in favor?
I support that motion :D AYE!!!
I would put Thomas in charge of the Art depatment. :thumbsup:

But what would be quicker in producing a animated version All 3D or a split of the two styles, 3D and 2D. just wondering .


Or better yet, characters done in the beautiful style that our own Thomas7g did for Athena.
I like that idea alot a lot :thumbsup:

CommanderTaggart November 10th, 2004 09:54 AM

Not much new to add, but my 2¢...

• An animated series would not be my first choice, but given the dagger Skiffy has driven into our hearts, if it's the only way to bring back TOS at the moment, I'm all for it

• I would not want this to be a kiddie show. Animation is fine, but I want adult-oriented scripts, stories, and character explorations.

• As Warrior said, it would thrill me to no end of this thing came about, and were such a success that it served as a springboard to a live-action, big screen continuation. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I think DeSanto is a genius. Prove the market for the movie through the success of the animated series and subsequent DVD sales.

• As for style, I would not want Japanime... it's just so silly. I'd prefer 3D to 2D to make it look less "cartoony," and give it a greater sense of gravitas.

• In any case, if we want this, we need to let NBC-Universal know, as that's where Tom is hanging his hat at this point, from all reports. Addresses are in the CFF Announcement thread in this forum, or can be found at

kingfish November 10th, 2004 10:47 AM

Live actors are better. Can't wait to see Dirk smoking his cigar as Starbuck. We came so close. Richard as Commander Apollo isn't a bad thing either. :D

thomas7g November 10th, 2004 12:14 PM

Just wanted to add a small point.

Star Trek's revival first began as a bunch of conventions and some books and.....a cartoon series.

Tag- My friend, are you refering to the larger eyes and sharp chin look, ala Aladdin and Pocahontas? Japanese anime is very wide ranged. If you are talking story and style it is a wide ranged as american live action filmmaking.

its just that americans tend to see animation as kid's stuff. So only the juvenile stuff makes it to american TV.

thomas7g November 10th, 2004 12:24 PM

btw everyone please check out this post I made months ago on this topic.

make sure you check the yellow link on my second post in the thread. You will love it! And imagine Vipers and Cylons instead of the robots and mecha. This is the current state of th art in Japan from a year ago. It features CGI masquerading as traditional hand drawn animation.



gmd3d November 10th, 2004 12:40 PM

I would like to see both , a movie and a Animation version and having watched
the Starship Troopers series and enjoying every minute of it ,( and there is nothing kiddy about it at all).

And I also think that a Animation version of BSG keeping in with the old series
having the old, characters such as Richard and Dirk play their parts released
before a film could and generating more interest in the original show to a new and wider audience.


Originally Posted by Thomas7g
Computer graphics are fully capable of reviving our heros like how they were back then. Time has past. Our heros have aged. So even a live action versioin would look different anyways. This was we could start an animated series the day after Hand of God, the last episode of the series.

This would enable the Original show to segue to the present time period without having "mysterious references" to 25-, 26-, 27-year time span between the Original show and the present time period. Take the characters, in their 1970's era "look" and age them, to account for the passage in time, with the end result having them "look" as they do, today. If Larson were on board, with this, then the tales could be considered part of the TOS canon.
this is Just a thought :)
If there was to be a Animated BSG created as both Thomas and BST have suggested in a way, could fill the gap between the live series and the Film and that is something only a Animated show could do .

martok2112 November 10th, 2004 03:14 PM

I posted this in another thread on this board related to animation....and perhaps an animated I'll repost it here.

I agree with Commander Taggart that the stories must be adult oriented, with action and character exploration. I think that is why I liked the Batman/Superman/Justice League cartoons, because to an extent, they were that. But Galactica cartoons could take it a step further. (Justice League had a three part episode that took the heroes back to World War II that was really adult oriented...even down to the language at one small point...which made my jaw drop.) A Galactica cartoon would not need to go to the language length, but it would do well to cater more to the adults.

(Anybody here remember the animation styles used in Heavy Metal the Movie back in 1980?) Now that would be an ideal animation style for Galactica as well, but it would be impractical on a weekly basis.

I would love to see 3D starships mixed in with 2D animation as well.

To the end of writing stories or providing voice work....I'd fall in for those jobs in a heartbeat as well if we, the fans, were able to take up such an endeavor. We have the talented people would be a matter of time. We have 3D artists, 2D artists, writers, voice actors, special effects guys, sound engineers, musicians, etc. Hell, we have some of the makings of a Colonial Fleets Production Company. It would be far less costly than trying to make a fan-film where costumes have to be designed and made, some props might have to be built, etc.

If anyone else here wants to take on such a project, COUNT ME IN!


Mustex November 10th, 2004 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by warhammerdriver
FINALLY! An idea to bridge the gap between TOS and a 20+ year later continuation (which I admittedly have a hard time wrapping my brain around).

I'd watch. And I think Anime would be the way to go (except for the always bushy hair and HUGE round eyes on the female characters). Someone would have to keep an eye on the animators tho. They LOVE to use lots of color on military craft. I guess that's where Larson and Desanto fit in.

Um, BTW big eyes in anime are a symbol of innocence. I think that would be an automatic with TOS (although if it were TNS it would be big lips, because that's for evil people).

Mustex November 10th, 2004 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by CommanderTaggart
• As for style, I would not want Japanime... it's just so silly. I'd prefer 3D to 2D to make it look less "cartoony," and give it a greater sense of gravitas.

You haven't watched much anime have you? I don't mean this offensively, but unlike American animators the Japanese have great diversity in their styles. I grant you DBZ is cartoony to an extent, but "Blue Gender" is very gritty and real feeling (in one episode a van was turned upright, and the girl inside fell to the back and died from busting her head, definately not anvils falling from the sky kind of violence).

Mustex November 10th, 2004 05:51 PM

BTW, I'm afraid of the reaction I'll get for even suggesting this, but if Larson has the cinema rights, and Universal has the TV rights, who has the straight-to-video rights? Think about it, they used "Van Helsing: The London Assignment" as a way of building publicity, and pulling in some extra cash. Why not use some straight to video animation as proof-positive to Larson that we're still here (it could sell 150,000+ copies like the series, maybe more sense it wouldn't cost $100; plus it could lure in more anime fans).

thomas7g November 10th, 2004 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Mustex
Um, BTW big eyes in anime are a symbol of innocence. I think that would be an automatic with TOS (although if it were TNS it would be big lips, because that's for evil people).

I'm a former animation student and took history courses in it.
So I can tell you the story.

Its actually kinda funny. Out of the ashes of WWII japan arose this little guy named Osamu Tezuka who would become the father of japanese animation. The first real animator in Japan and very prolific and imitated. He created Astro Boy, and Kimba and a bunch of other animation. And basically everyone in Japan followed his style for years. Many still do.

But he developed his style after watching Disney's Bambi, which he absolutely loved.


thomas7g November 10th, 2004 09:48 PM

The funny thing is, that He influnced a guy who would be later known as the Japanese Disney, Hayao Miyazaki. And Miyazaki's stuff was so loved by Disney animators that they changed how THEIR characters looked. Glen Keane is the BIG heavyweight in Disney animation studios. And he loves Miyazaki. And you can see it in The little Mermaid, Aladin, Pocahontas and Tarzan.


peter noble November 11th, 2004 12:01 AM

I think you can do an animated show and have it appeal to all ages, just take Batman: The Animated Series as an example of the depth of storytelling and its wide appeal.

Also, with an animated series you can merchandise the hell out of it, something you can't do with Slutty Cylon Sexbots! ;)


Senmut November 11th, 2004 12:27 AM

No. The critics will dismiss it as just another cartoon, and it would fail, making getting the film we want even harder to achieve.

repcisg November 11th, 2004 08:27 AM

We need to face some hard truths.

Tom DeSanto does not share information easily or often, his followers are often forced to follow his actions in order to get an insight on what is going on. He is a live action producer, for him to go animated can only mean all doors to live action have been closed. In 1978, animation meant cartoons, not serious entertainment. So NBC probably owns the animation rights. And now that door has closed, at least for now.

Richard pushed very hard for a very long time, then began to distance himself from the project, to push his own project (Magellan). Now he will do two episodes in the new series. His message is clear.

Glen Larson owns the theatrical rights to the old series, he says he would like to do a movie. BUT he is getting on in years, may not have the strength to go forward and does not share. He has said many times Galactica is his baby. So why would he change at this point? He refused to share with Richard, he even helped close some of the doors in Richards face. And he seems to have done little to help Tom, I don’t buy Tom’s explanation of what happened, Eck was out looking for Moore before 9/11.

A fan based animation probably the best we can expect before the end of this decade, I would love to be proven wrong, I really would , but I don’t think I will be.

Now I‘m finished with the negative stuff – time to move forward.

We have many great talents here, many diverse backgrounds and a broad range of ages. The perfect conditions for total Chaos – I love it already. Guys and Gals all that is missing is a determination to do it. Richard is a great example, he risked all to make the trailer of Battlestar Galactica and then turned failure into success. He is working in acting again, rebuilding his reputation, and through that opening doors for Magellan. We can do the same.

So let’s get to work. We need many things:

A story to tell – plot, time line, art work, legal stuff, and many more things. Lets start a list.

gmd3d November 11th, 2004 09:00 AM


So let’s get to work. We need many things:

A story to tell – plot, time line, art work, legal stuff, and many more things. Lets start a list.
OH I like this kind of thinking , I have been building up on a few thing over the last few months for my PC , Drawing pad Wacom, Truespace, and other bits and pieces, some I have yet to get and its all aim at art , I would like to sign up, (once I learn how to use this stuff) my only prob is my PC has not enough RAM only 128
I will be buying more after Xmas.
Once I get that watch out You guys will see alot more art coming this way.

kingfish November 11th, 2004 09:12 AM

The BONO Law applies.

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