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Antelope March 29th, 2004 12:03 PM

Thanks for answering my questions. It's pretty awesome we can talk to an actual author about their book on our happy little island.

I did notice your homage to Star Wars etc. I thought is was great. The joking around among the military personnel as they imitated Dark Vader was very funny and just the type of thing you would expect real people to do. It made the characters seem very true to life.

martok2112 June 14th, 2004 08:57 AM

Well folks,
I have been sending Pete the chapters of the story. When he has them all...which may take a while...he will post them here.

If you haven't the patience to wait, you can go to my Yahoo group to read the chapters as they unfold.

Take care, and enjoy,

sharpe26 July 4th, 2004 03:16 AM

looks like i have some reading to do ;)

BST July 4th, 2004 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by martok2112
I have been sending Pete the chapters of the story. When he has them all...which may take a while...he will post them here.

The chapters that Steve has been sending are for the sequel, "Reciprocity". :)


Originally Posted by Martok2112
If you haven't the patience to wait, you can go to my Yahoo group to read the chapters as they unfold.

Take care, and enjoy,

"Patience, vigilance!"

(quote by Klingon Commander Kang, ST:TOS - "Day of the Dove" )

julix August 14th, 2004 11:48 AM

Just wanted to say...I have started to read Dark Exodus and it is terriffic! I have only just begun, but I love it. Steve you have a great writing style. It is so realistic and I can visualize everything! It is wonderful for me to read such a my heart and soul has yearned for for so long...let you know more as I read......


martok2112 August 14th, 2004 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by julix
Just wanted to say...I have started to read Dark Exodus and it is terriffic! I have only just begun, but I love it. Steve you have a great writing style. It is so realistic and I can visualize everything! It is wonderful for me to read such a my heart and soul has yearned for for so long...let you know more as I read......


Thank you, Julix, and all. I hope you continue to enjoy the story.

All Appreciation,

Archangel August 14th, 2004 09:01 PM


I just finished reading Dark Exodus and it is good (It would have to be for me to read it all at one sitting :D ) Between the continued byplay between Apollo and Starbuck and other story elements (don't want to give it away, who DOESN'T read spoilers!), I had to read it all!

Not very good at expressing myself, but Good Job

martok2112 August 15th, 2004 12:46 AM

Thank you very much.
Thank you, very much, Archangel.

I am flatterred that you went through it in one sitting.

All these kind words again are making me chomp at the bit to get my A: Drive fixed so that I can resume work on the sequel "Battlestar Galactica: Reciprocity".

And as per Eric Paddon's sage advice to me, I do plan on offering up some brief explanations on the fates of certain characters in my story.

Speaking of which...if there is anyone here who has not read Eric Paddon's work on what he and his co-writers are doing...then you are missing out on some awe-inspiring material. They are literally creating a second season's worth of Battlestar Galactica stories that will leave you speechless. They are very character driven tales that capture the very essence of Galactica with great deftness. Also, they are adapting the original episodes with some extra goodies thrown in to smooth out certain plot points that may have been vague in the original show as aired. Check it out.

And of course, be sure to read the works of many other talented writers here in the Colonial Library.

With much appreciation to all of you,
Martok2112 :salute:

shiningstar August 15th, 2004 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by martok2112
Thank you, very much, Archangel.

I am flatterred that you went through it in one sitting.

All these kind words again are making me chomp at the bit to get my A: Drive fixed so that I can resume work on the sequel "Battlestar Galactica: Reciprocity".

And as per Eric Paddon's sage advice to me, I do plan on offering up some brief explanations on the fates of certain characters in my story.

Speaking of which...if there is anyone here who has not read Eric Paddon's work on what he and his co-writers are doing...then you are missing out on some awe-inspiring material. They are literally creating a second season's worth of Battlestar Galactica stories that will leave you speechless. They are very character driven tales that capture the very essence of Galactica with great deftness. Also, they are adapting the original episodes with some extra goodies thrown in to smooth out certain plot points that may have been vague in the original show as aired. Check it out.

And of course, be sure to read the works of many other talented writers here in the Colonial Library.

With much appreciation to all of you,
Martok2112 :salute:

Thanks for printing the link martok.

How ever that still doesn't answer my question .........WHEN are
you going to WRITE MORE?


martok2112 August 15th, 2004 08:28 AM

Actually, Shiningstar,

I did answer your question in my last post. ;)

Right now, the A: drive on my new (Read: pawn shop bought) computer is not functioning, and my notes and story thus far for "Reciprocity" are kept on floppy. Until I can get that to work again, I am unable to continue work on it.

And believe me....I want to continue on it. ;)

Money is a little tight right I only recently got re-employment, and hopefully another music gig will come along to augment the income I will get out of my new job...(Karaoke host). So, I need to get some money together to have my computer looked at. Hopefully, it will be soon, my friend. :)

Patience...for the Jedi it is time to eat as well.

Respectfully, and feelin' ya,
Martok2112 :salute:

Eric Paddon August 15th, 2004 07:03 PM

On behalf of all the Yahren Spinners (as we are called) who have contributed to the fanfic list, we thank you for posting the link Martok! :)

It's because of fanfic writing that I was able to become a passionate Galactica fan again back in late 1992 when Sci-Fi Channel began airing the reruns. It'd been about six or seven years since I caught an episode, and suddenly this burning frustration to continue the story unleashed itself. This being the days before I owned my own computer, the first effort, "The Last Battle" was produced handwritten. It's not a story I'm particularly proud of today but it helped get me started and once I discovered the Internet and how others have thought as I do, that inspired more writing and doing numerous continuation stories set in different universes (there's been a Galactica 1980 universe set of stories that tries to fix that wretched series; a crossover with the first Planet Of The Apes movie where the Fleet finds the Earth of the first movie; the episode adaptations; and now this second season project).

Martok's story, which grabbed my attention over the weekend, is another nice reminder of how well Galactica lends itself to this kind of storytelling, and how even if the perfect continuation movie is made, there will always be room for us to explore different avenues of what happened next. And I think it's fascinating how Galactica has been able to generate so much effort from so many talented people.

martok2112 August 16th, 2004 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Eric Paddon
On behalf of all the Yahren Spinners (as we are called) who have contributed to the fanfic list, we thank you for posting the link Martok! :)

It's because of fanfic writing that I was able to become a passionate Galactica fan again back in late 1992 when Sci-Fi Channel began airing the reruns. It'd been about six or seven years since I caught an episode, and suddenly this burning frustration to continue the story unleashed itself. This being the days before I owned my own computer, the first effort, "The Last Battle" was produced handwritten. It's not a story I'm particularly proud of today but it helped get me started and once I discovered the Internet and how others have thought as I do, that inspired more writing and doing numerous continuation stories set in different universes (there's been a Galactica 1980 universe set of stories that tries to fix that wretched series; a crossover with the first Planet Of The Apes movie where the Fleet finds the Earth of the first movie; the episode adaptations; and now this second season project).

Martok's story, which grabbed my attention over the weekend, is another nice reminder of how well Galactica lends itself to this kind of storytelling, and how even if the perfect continuation movie is made, there will always be room for us to explore different avenues of what happened next. And I think it's fascinating how Galactica has been able to generate so much effort from so many talented people.

You and your talented co-writers are perfectly welcome. :) I do try to spread the Gospel of the Original Galactica, and its fanfics. Thank you for the kind words about my story.

Martok2112 :salute:

julix August 19th, 2004 04:32 PM

I just got done reading Dark Exodus....
IT IS WONDERFUL!!!!!!! :salute:
I can"t express in words how wonderful it was to read your story. Your writing is very good...I could actually picture all of the characters...and you added such wonderful touches. I don't want to give anything away to those who haven't read it yet. I really like how you added realistic plot points that I could see would happen given the situations you played out.

I salute you one warrior to another

Thanks for giving my heart the heros I have longed to see for over 20 years :cry:
GREAT STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

martok2112 August 19th, 2004 05:00 PM

Thank you, Julix,

I appreciate the very kind words about the story. It was written as I would imagine a big screen continuation (or perhaps a miniseries continuation) to be. I am glad it reached you as a TOS fan.

The realism factor is something that I wanted to work with, because I've always had an affinity for Tom Clancy's work. I figured that everything of importance to the fleet and Earth has more important ramifications than episodic television (at least back in the 70's) would allow for. Besides, when it came to Earth's military, it just had to be realistic. My experience as a former solider allowed me to do that. I didn't wanna go too over the top with the realism, and spoil the spirit of the Classic show, but I did want it to have the edgy enough realism (for both the Galacticans and Earth people) to make it plausible in today's market.

I am glad that you, and everyone else who has read it, have seen it for what it was intended to be....a genuine continuation story. I feel like I have done my job.

I have resumed work on the sequel, "Battlestar Galactica: Reciprocity", and those of you who've read "Dark Exodus" know that I have my work cut out for me. I am also engaging in a very big parallel of sci-fi utilizing a certain "recently popular" movie as the backdrop. It will probably be my best work yet, perhaps even better than my Galactica based stories. Only Julix has detailed knowledge of precisely what this story will be.....mua ha ha ha ha. ....And she ain't tellin' a soul, right Julix? :D

Well, time to go host Karaoke and make my paltry way.

From one warrior to another :salute:


julix August 19th, 2004 06:48 PM

Well, Martok............
The" I ain't tellin a livin soul" line makes me feel a little like the Bush's Baked Beans dog...................Julix does all kids of outlandlandish stunts(no not those kind! I do those, which is why those wouldn't be outlandish ;) )to make it seem as if she is going to tell Martok's secrets..........
She considers all manner of bribes(especially the pictures of Apollo in his Triad outfit)........What will she do???????(cliffhanger)

:D ;) Martok

Archangel August 19th, 2004 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by julix
Well, Martok............
The" I ain't tellin a livin soul" line makes me feel a little like the Bush's Baked Beans dog...................Julix does all kids of outlandlandish stunts(no not those kind! I do those, which is why those wouldn't be outlandish ;) )to make it seem as if she is going to tell Martok's secrets..........
She considers all manner of bribes(especially the pictures of Apollo in his Triad outfit)........What will she do???????(cliffhanger)

:D ;) Martok

So that's where all the hot air in Washington comes from...
I was kind of wondering... :D

Gemini1999 December 10th, 2004 08:31 PM

Steve -

I just finished reading "Dark Exodus".....! OH...MY...GOD!!!!

I don't mean to gush, but this was terrific! I started reading DE last night and I was able to get through the first 10 chapters before bed. I was going to read another 10 tonight, but the office phones went down today at work, so I was able to have the time to read all but the last 7 chapters. I took the time to read and savor every word of it.

The last 7 chapters were amazing.....! I felt just when it couldn't get any more intense, you managed to kick things up a notch, and then another and another....!

This is what the G80 episode, "Galactica Finds Earth" should have been! If Glen Larson had read this, I'll bet he would be in agreement. I even think if Ron Moore had read a story like this, he might have thought that a continuation story might have been the way to go instead of a reimagining.

I'm so in awe of the BSG fan fiction that I've been reading this week. Nothing intended towards the books that Richard Hatch has been writing, but if he really is only going to do two more books and stop, it wouldn't be a bad idea to submit these stories to a publisher and see what comes of it. They're as good as any novel I've ever read....

I would go into a more detailed review of what I read, but there's so much, I doubt that I could even do it justice.

Suffice it to say, "I loved this story!"

Thanks for the wonderful Christmas present!


martok2112 December 11th, 2004 12:43 AM

Thank you so much, Bryan.

That meant a lot to me. :) I am so glad you enjoyed it. Yes, there are a heck of a lot of talented writers on this board, and they all crank out amazing work.

Even though the story is nigh on two years old...I am glad you thought of it as an "early Christmas present." Most flattering indeed, my friend.

Now, if I can just crank my astrums into gear and finish the teaser trailer. :D

The sequel story, Reciprocity, is still in the works....I just am having a tough time deciding what particular direction I wanna take it in.

If you want to see how the sequel is shaping up... I think it is posted here in the Fleets...although you might have to dig around the past Colonial Library files to find it :)

Thank you, EVERYONE, who has supported Dark Exodus, and thank you all for supporting our talented fanfic writers here at the Fleets.

With greatest respect,
Steve Dunlap (Martok2112)

CommanderTaggart December 13th, 2004 03:26 PM

Steve... just finished "Dark Exodus." Fantastic! As I was reading the story, portions of it started to sound very familiar... then I realized I had read a treatment of sorts that you had posted on CA a while back as General Chang. You are to be commended, Sir!

I was amazed, as I was originally intendeing to end "BlackStar" with one of the same surprises you rolled out, albeit with a slightly different twist... but I decided at the last minute to hold that in reserve if and when I wrote the next one. ;) I am, nontheless, glad that I resisted the temptation to read your story before I was finished with my own.

I will look forward to the day when you are able to regain access to your notes, and pen your follow up.


martok2112 December 13th, 2004 04:16 PM


Thank you very, very much Bill. I am very glad you enjoyed it. As with everyone who enjoys the story, it always means the world to me when another says so. :)

Yes, I remembered posting the treatment of it back at CA under my old moniker. I was glad it got some really good response, and it was actually enough to make me start fleshing it out as a story. All it was, at first, was just an idea...not even intended to be committed to full story...and I wrote that entire treatment up in 5 and a half hours. It took me over a year to write the story.

If you would PM me, I would love to hear what you had in mind for your "surprise with a twist". :) They say great minds think would apparently seem so do ours. ;) :LOL:

Right now, my attention is sorta focused on the teaser trailer for Dark Exodus...but I will resume Reciprocity when the right ideas strike me. (tis complicated trying to write a sequel that blows away the original.) :D

I also look forward to the day when you take up the pen (or keyboard) to write another brilliant epsiode/screenplay. You, sir, have an uncanny gift for story telling.....(and a knack for making me adorn my monitor with Coke spewings) :LOL:

With greatest respect and appreciation,
Steve :colonial:

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