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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:thumbsup: thumbs up thumbs up
:thumbdown thumbs down thumbs down
:colonial: colonial patch colonial patch
:bg04: Battlestar Galactica 2005 Battlestar Galactica 2005
:) smiley smiley
:( Frown Frown
:salute: salute salute
:D big grin big grin
:LOL: laughing out loud laughing out loud
:cry: cry cry
;) wink wink
:wtf: WTF? WTF?
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:rolleyes: roll eyes (Sarcastic) roll eyes (Sarcastic)
:/: ugh ugh
:...: sigh sigh
:blink: blink blink
:cool: I'm cool I'm cool
:girl: lady warrior lady warrior
:duck: peekaboo peekaboo
:nervous: anime nervous anime nervous
:blush: blush blush
:errr: errr errr
:P: blah tongue blah tongue
:?: confused (?) confused (?)
:yikes: yikes yikes
:smart: smart guy smart guy
:erk: erk erk
:drool: drool drool
:no: no no no no no no
:naughty: naughty naughty
:barf: puke puke
:hack: hacker hacker
:rage: rage rage
:devil: devil devil
:mad: mad mad
:halo: halo halo
:holy: angelic angelic
:coolangel cool angel cool angel
:wings: winged winged
:superholy superholy superholy
:love: love love
:kiss: kiss kiss
:heart: heart heart
:rose: rose rose
:music: La La La La La La
:Ncylon: NOT a toaster!!!! NOT a toaster!!!!
:viper: Viper Viper
:viper2: Viper Mk II Viper Mk II
:hershey: hershey kiss hershey kiss
:oreo: oreo cookie oreo cookie
:cookie: chocolate chip chocolate chip
:cake: Happy Birthday!!! Happy Birthday!!!
:mushies: mushies mushies
:popcorn: popcorn popcorn
:bone: bone bone
:milk: milk milk
:colada: pina colada pina colada
:corona: corona corona
:maitai: mai tai mai tai
:beer: beer beer
:balloon: balloon balloon
:tm: trademark trademark
:copyright copyright copyright
:ahem: Ahem Ahem
:down: down down
:up: up up
:left: left left
:right: right right
:bounce: bounce bounce
:alien: alien alien
:cow: mooOOooo! mooOOooo!
:woof: woof woof
:muffit: I'm Muffit! I'm Muffit!
:beaver: Beaver Beaver
:choco: chocomoo chocomoo
:stargate: Stargate Stargate
:trek: Star Trek Star Trek
:warrior: warrior pin warrior pin
:tinypin: tiny warrior pin tiny warrior pin
:star: star star
:Nsalute: So Say We All! So Say We All!
:Nsmilie: BG05 smilie BG05 smilie
:Nsad: BG05 sad BG05 sad

So sez our Muffit!!!

For fans of the Classic Battlestar Galactica series

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