View Full Version : Could There Be Another Terminator Film?

August 26th, 2003, 03:25 PM
Just a lingering question that I thought I’d pose to those more knowledgeable than myself.

I’m a big fan of the Terminator films. I can still remember being in awe of the original film when I first saw it and spending plenty of time afterward contemplating the time travel paradoxes it presented. The sequel was visually stunning and carried the story from the first film forward very well. I especially enjoyed how Sarah’s character was developed in T2, and the impact that her foreknowledge had had on John. I was very hyped about T3 when I heard that it was in production. I don’t feel that it was as good of a film as its predecessors, but it was enjoyable. Some of the action sequences were pretty breathtaking and the film’s ending seemed to bring the series full circle. I’d like to see it again, because I was somewhat fuzzy on some of the continuity issues, but overall I felt that the pros outweighed the cons.

I’ve read in some of the entertainment magazines and websites that although T3 did fairly well at the box office, it didn’t live up to the financial expectations of the studio. At the same time, there’s been a great deal of speculation about the possibility of a fourth film in the series. Although I might be short sighted, I’m somewhat skeptical about another Terminator movie, although the close of T3 certainly sets up the possibility for one. I doubt that Schwarzenegger will be involved in the next film (whether he wins the California governor’s race or not) and given T3’s financial performance, I would expect studio executives to be leery of investing in a fourth film (but hey, as noted elsewhere on this forum, Once Upon a Time in Mexico got made). I think a fourth movie, that explored the war with Skynet following judgment day, has interesting possibilities. I just don’t think it will happen. But I’m curious about other people’s thoughts and views on the subject.

August 26th, 2003, 05:17 PM
If Arnold wins the governor's seat I doubt it. His schedule probably wouldn't allow time for filming. If Arnold doesn't win the election then their are always possibilities. I for one would like to see him in another Predator flick.

August 26th, 2003, 05:58 PM
I think there was a definite loss in quality from T2 to T3.

Part of the appeal was seeing the stars change from T1 to T2. T3 only had Arnold, and he was basically the same as T2. But really nobody else. Part of it was unavoidable because James Cameron had an affair with the actress who played Rose's granddaughter in Titanic. That destroyed his marriage to Linda hamilton. So I guess it was impossible for Hamilton and Cameron to both be a part of any future Terminator film. :( The actor who played the boy has lots of problems with the law including DUI, and charges of abuse against his girlfriend. So we couldn't get the kid either, and are stuck with this new guy. So even though its the same name, its not the same guy. So we have not attachment to him.

August 26th, 2003, 07:45 PM
I think that with the way the actor who played the boy
got himself into trouble it was only a matter of time until
they changed the BOY into a MAN for the future
terminator movies.