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View Full Version : I just read the Moore's script: I'm heartbroken

January 4th, 2003, 02:14 PM
I've joined this board because I have just read the script for the "New" Battlestar Galactica, and I am in shock.

I've enjoyed Galactica since I was in Grade 3 watching the episodes on ABC, buying the Beta casettes and eventually the VHS tapes thru the years. I played with the Mattell toys, and read the comics and novels . I tell this to summarize that I have thouroughly enjoyed the show growing up, and remember it fondly in my adulthood!

I cannot believe what I have just read: the Ron Moore script! Ladies and Gentlemen, this remake is disgraseful and disrespectful in every way. I am stunned by it's vulgarity, joylessness,and immorality. This is NOT Battlestar Galactica. The symbols are there, the dialogue contains reminders of of what once was, but, my god, what a slap in the face to those who enjoyed and invested time in the old seried and said to themselves, "boy, I wish Battlestar Galactica would come back"!

To wait 25 or so years for new Galactica to get this?! This is a product of a scriptwriter immersed in the immorality, isolation, ego,negativity, and meanness of Hollywood! There is no heroism, mysticism,coolness in that "70's laidbackness" that made Galactica fun to kick back with. Dirk Benedict made Starbuck the most popular character amoung us kids once, now he's a SHE, and a bitter, foul she she is!

I am quite disheartened right now: what if Some Hollywood hack rerote STAR WARS and made Han Solo a Girl, Had the Millinium Falcon a mothballed museum, re-named Chewbacca, "William Chewbacca", and so on....?

Ron Moore has spat on the memory of Galactica . It's heartbreaking. Another childhood memory exploited and ruined by the Hollywood machine.

I've never bought the comment that Galactica was a "rip-off" of Star Wars. Aside from the Vipers looking like the X-Wings, Galactica was always cooler to me! (the vipers were cooler, too) I'd like to go on record that there was nothing wrong with Muffy either-the Daggit is one of the most endearing and enduring images of the show.

I hope Ron Moore enjoys those cheques he'll be cashing on destroying a good thing for the gratification of his ego. I wonder if he's proud of the scene of the Cylon/human sex?

January 4th, 2003, 02:38 PM
Welcome Dr.Wilker and I agree with you 100%


January 4th, 2003, 02:42 PM
Welcome Dr.Wilker to Colonial Fleets! Your thoughts are so right, it is so sad what they are planning. Thank you for mentioning Muffit too!


peter noble
January 4th, 2003, 02:42 PM
Welcome Dr Wilker.

Don't give up hope yet, Hollywood may yet throw us a crve ball when it comes to Battlestar Galactica.

A thing you could do is write a letter to:

Mr. Barry Diller
Chairman and CEO
Universal Entertainment Group
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608 USA
re: Battlestar Galactica

If you're seeking additional contacts:

Ms. Susan Krakower
SR VP Programming & Development
StudiosUSA - 5th Floor
1325 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019-6026 U.S.A.

Mr. David Kissinger
President of Network TV
8800 Sunset Blvd. 7th Floor
West Hollywood, CA 90069-2117 U.S.A.

Ms. Sarah Timberman
President of Programming
8800 Sunset Blvd. 7th Floor
West Hollywood, CA 90069-2117 U.S.A.

Please keep the letter short, concise, friendly and professional. KEY MESSAGE: Signal your support for the CONTINUATION of the original series, the involvement of Tom DeSanto -- and importantly, the involvement of original cast members Richard Hatch and Dirk Benedict, among others.

Do NOT send numerous letters to the same person; one letter per fan gets the message across.



January 4th, 2003, 04:27 PM
Welcome to the Colonial Fleet!!!!!

Oh I'm getting such bad vibes from this script. I can't believe that the powers that be can't get this.

January 4th, 2003, 08:26 PM
Hi Dr.Wilker,

Welcome to Colonial Fleets. I hope you take the time to introduce yourself. We're ever curious when new folks pop in. :)

I'm curious: How were you able to obtain a copy of the script? Were there any elements within the script (additional elements) which you felt should have been covered in either my or Edward Havens/filmjerk.com's reviews?

I didn't touch on every part of the script in my review. As someone who's read it, was there anything extra which you liked/disliked?

BattlestarGalactica.com * BattlestarPegasus.com

January 5th, 2003, 05:10 AM
I agree with Michael don't be shy, post often, have fun and most of all
Steve:thumbsup: :D :D :)

January 5th, 2003, 10:00 AM
Welcome, Dr. Wilker.
It is sad that they are bent on destroying something that has so much potential for longevity - 25 years later and we still had the highest rated sci-fi series on TV ever. Now they are going to kill the entire franchise for what can't even be described as a parody of the original (parodies usually require humor). They are throwing out buckets of money, the baby and the bathwater when they could be raking in the merchandising cash with a respectful continuation or revival.

January 5th, 2003, 10:07 AM
Odd Jewels that they seem to want to kill a show that could bring them millions if they gave the fans what they want. Strange

January 5th, 2003, 10:35 AM
Somebody's too full of themselves and their agenda to realize they are standing on a diamond mine worthy of DeBeers if they did what we know (and any TOS Trekkers know) would suceed and give them decades of spin-off programming to play out.

Here's one for you: What if you took James Bond (now in its 4th decade as a franchise) and made him into a female (Jaimie Bond, perhaps?), an insubordinate, coarse, discontented, drunken, washed-up master spy. Would it be the success that Pierce Bronsnan's debonair, cultured, playboy James Bond has been? I think not. I think the real MI-5 would be on the producer's doorstep demanding an apology to the Crown.

BTW, Mr. Moore: you do owe Mr. Larson an apology at the very least!!!

January 5th, 2003, 11:02 AM
If they made 007 into a girl, you you would have to rent the vids at an adult book store LOL

January 6th, 2003, 07:44 AM
Welcome Dr. Wilker.